agInnovation North Central
agInnovation North Central is one of five regional associations responsible for facilitating the cooperation of regional and national research. The research is supported in part by the Multistate Research Fund (MRF), which is a federal appropriation authorized by the Hatch Act. Additional support comes from other federal programs as well as state and private sources. The research program focuses on regional priorities that are identified and developed jointly by State Agricultural Experiment Station (SAES) Directors, Departmental Chairs, and participating scientists. Our office serves the 12 Experiment Stations in the North Central region.
Currently, agInnovation North Central manages about 80 multistate projects. About half of these are “research” projects, supported by the MRF, which must meet a number of criteria including both regional and USDA approval. The remaining projects are Coordinating Committees (CCs) and integrated Extension/Education Research Activities (ERAs) which involve research, extension, and/or education.

Dr. Jeanette Thurston, Executive Director
Christina Hamilton, Assistant Director

Enhance NC Multistate Research
Ensure the NC multistate portfolio aligns with regional priorities (climate, water, soil health, precision ag, antimicrobial resistance, UAS, CWD, etc.).
Conduct regular Administrative Advisor and NIMSS training.
Encourage strong interstate and regional collaborations, such as leveraging external funding, shared facilities, students, etc.
Regularly communicate project expectations with NC reviewers.
Celebrate excellence through regional multistate project awards.
Highlight priority and hot topic multistate efforts regularly through social media and NCRA website.
Catalyze Growth and Quality in Partnerships
Enhance relationships with USDA-NIFA staff through the LGU2U initiative.
Ongoing USDA-ARS/LGU discussions around shared facilities, staff, and policies.
Partner with NC Cooperative Extension Association (NCCEA) through regional programs such as annual new Administrative Boot Camps: http://www.nccea.org/nc-admin-boot-camps/, LGU2U, multistate projects, etc.
Continue to build synergistic relationships with minority-serving institutions (1890s, Tribal Colleges/1994s, Hispanic Serving Institutions, NIFA Tribal Grant Panels, etc.)
Engage in cross-regional initiatives and projects with other regional associations
Engage with and build relationships with key groups such as APLU, Lewis Burke Associates Advocacy, AHS, CARET, regional centers, and beyond.
Enhance the NCRA
Engage in professional development and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training; offer additional group opportunities at regional meetings
Share state updates and best practices during monthly NCRA calls and in-person meetings.
Encourage DEI activities as a priority for all NCRA directors and stations
Celebrate leadership excellence through regional award
NCRA Member Websites
Illinois/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
AES: http://research.aces.illinois.edu/
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences: http://aces.illinois.edu/
Indiana/Purdue University
AES: https://ag.purdue.edu/arp/Pages/default.aspx
Purdue College of Agriculture: https://ag.purdue.edu/Pages/default.aspx
Iowa/Iowa State University
AES: http://www.iahees.iastate.edu/
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: http://www.cals.iastate.edu/
Kansas/Kansas State University
AES: http://www.ksre.k-state.edu/
College of Agriculture: http://www.ag.k-state.edu/
Michigan/Michigan State University
AES: http://www.canr.msu.edu/research/
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources: http://www.canr.msu.edu/
Minnesota/University of Minnesota
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences: https://www.cfans.umn.edu/
Missouri/University of Missouri
College of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources: https://cafnr.missouri.edu/
Nebraska/University of Nebraska-Lincoln
AES: http://ard.unl.edu/
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources: http://casnr.unl.edu/
North Dakota/North Dakota State University
AES: http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/research/
College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources: https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/academics
Ohio/The Ohio State University
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences: https://cfaes.osu.edu/
South Dakota/South Dakota State University
AES: http://www.sdstate.edu/aes/
College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences: https://www.sdstate.edu/agriculture-biological-sciences
Wisconsin/University of Wisconsin-Madison
AES: https://cals.wisc.edu/research/
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences: https://cals.wisc.edu/